Etsy Store is up and running!

The Jen K Artworks store is now up and running! I have posted the original works of art I have created that are available for purchase. I will also accept custom requests. If you have a picture of a landscape, special item, or special event that you would like captured in an original piece let me know. I am happy to evaluate and price it out.

Friday, February 13, 2015

The Art Studio begins

Now that I am getting back into the swing of painting on a regular basis the office in my house is being converted into an art studio. While I was out of town on work my husband changed out the burgundy carpeting for hardwood floor and painted all the walls neutral. now that the walls are bare I will be slowly adding my touch over the next couple of weeks. Last night was the start of this with a little inspiration from Van Gogh:

Starry Night on the North Wall

I am so glad glad the studio is now getting a touch of me. More to come over the next couple of weeks.

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